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Learned from looking up the Greifswalder Oie that von Braun was there in 1937 (and this is one of the few times P. gives us a year: "Pölker moved to Peenemünde in 1937". von Braun lurks behind the text, his leadership occupied in the fictional realm by Weissmann; who is at most only partially inspired by von Braun... The details about Peenemunde and Griefswalder came to Pynchon via Walter Dornberger's 1954 V-2, which was likely an important source for P. In fact, this is interesting, Dornberger worked as a consultant at Boeing as an Operation Paperclip transplant from the Nazis; P. could have known him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Dornberger

This Rilke reference is not to one of the elegies, but to a quote as P. says, but he doesn't give the whole thing: "Everything once, only once, once and no more. Us too once. Never more often. But this having once been, even once only, this having been earthly seems irrevocable.”

I also dwelled on the open parenthesis. My edition -- the new penguin edition with the wrong page numbers--doesn't have the close parens you report in the Bantam.

Asta Nielsen barely had any upper lip atall. ...

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